Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Results
Self-Regulation and Autonomy : Social and Developmental Dimensions of Human Conduct by Sokol, Bryan W., Grouzet, F... ISBN: 9781107023697 List Price: $90.00
Connections Between Theory of Mind and Sociomoral Development New Directions for Child and A... by CAD Staff, Baird, Jodie A, ... ISBN: 9780787974404 List Price: $29.00
Self-Regulation and Autonomy : Social and Developmental Dimensions of Human Conduct by Sokol, Bryan W., Grouzet, F... ISBN: 9781107538832 List Price: $33.99
Self- and Social-Regulation: Exploring the Relations Between Social Interaction, Social Unde... by Sokol, Bryan W., Carpendale... ISBN: 9780195327694 List Price: $65.00